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Personal Development for Men, Issue #026-Your Independence Day
July 04, 2012
Hello Men,

Welcome to Personal Development for Men Issue #26

If you did not receive a copy of the my ebook - The Organized Single Dad when you subscribed, you can get it at the link below. The Organized Single Dad eBook

Your Indepence Day

You Matter Too

Did you spend your independence day doing what you wanted to do?

I did. I had a great day and it is not even over yet.

Just look at my little list:

1) I slept in a little because I did not have to go to work.

2) I enjoyed a pot of fresh coffee.

3) I read a few articles on-line.

4) I watched a few short inspirational videos.

5) I studied the how to podcast information I bought a few weeks ago. I hope to get my podcasts up and running this month, so watch for that.

6) I took one of my testosterone supplements that seem to really help. These are herbal supplements that I learned about at Boots Your Low Testosterone.

7) I did some picking up and straightening in my home. I had thrown away a large tv earlier in the week and now wanted to make the area nicer.

8) I worked on my podcast that I was studying.

9) I threw away a bunch of stuff.

10) I made a nice breakfast for myself.

I did all this before 10:00 a.m. when my daughter got back from her sleepover. It is unreal how much you can do with uninterrupted free time when you are working on what you want to work on. Let's continue:

11) I made a nice breakfast for my daughter.

12) We talked and relaxed the rest of the morning.

13) We got cleaned up and dressed around noon.

14) We went out for lunch. I had a coupon. As an aside when you are doing all the paying for your family you will want to use coupons and find discounts to make going out to eat more affordable.

15) We stopped at Wal-mart and bought some needs and some wants. I love to get what I want whenever I am out and about.

16) I sat out in the sun for 45 minutes after we got back.

17) I went for an hour hike in a nearby State Park.

18) I sat on my deck with ice tea in the shade after my hike to cool down.

19) I am writing this.

I am not writing this to bore you with the details of my life. I am only showing you what a single man and single dad can accomplish on a day off.

When I was married, every holiday was spent with my in-laws doing the normal things families do on holidays:

1) We spent a bunch of money we did not have on gifts, trinkets and huge amounts of food.

2) We stayed up late preparing all that food the night before.

3) My wife would sleep late because she was exhausted from all that cooking.

4) We would rush around like crazy packing all that food and gear.

5) We would arrive at the party, probably late, but not as late as the others.

6) We would start eating and continue to eat for hours until it was time for dinner.

7) Somewhere along the line there would be an argument or a fight of some kind.

8) We would have to deal with that kind of drama and chaos and try to keep the family together.

9) We would stay really late into the night even though I had to get up early for work the next day.

10) And the worst would be how hard and verbally abusive my wife would be on me on the ride home. She would take out the frustrations of the day on me.

Can you see why I love my life now that I have left her? You can have this kind of a great life too. It is possible for everyone. You have to put the bad people behind you. You have to stop doing the things you don't want to do and start doing what you want. You will have to take time to determine what those things are. If you are in a bad marriage you will not have much time to think. You have to take the time. It is your life after all. You matter.

Hans Recommends

Womens Fashion Made Easy You can help your daughter look good by getting this book. It is an easy way for any woman to look better fast.

How to Leave Your Wife The book is my story of how I found the courage to leave my wife and get on with my life. Now that I have left my life has never been better. My kids have never been happier and more at peace.

The Secret of Deliberate Creation is an excellent audio program by Dr. Robert Anthony. I have been listening to it over and over again and my life is getting better in the process. I am starting to manifest good things into my life as a result of using this program.

My daughters Inspirational Story Sometimes a young girl knows what to do to save herself.

Single Dad More information from my website on being a single dad. Being a father is great whether you are single or married.

The Handsome Factor - This is a great resource for men, and especially young men to learn how to maximize your appearance.

Static Contraction Weight Lifting Program. This workout if very short and very effective. You need to get strong, stay strong, and have big muscles. This does not need to take a lot of time using this program.

Here is that link again to The Organized Single Dad, if you missed it. The Organized Single Dad eBook

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I would love to hear some of your comments on raising your kids and life in general. Leave your comments in the Contact Me section accessed from my main webpage.

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