Get Better Looking
And Attract Women

You may find it hard to attract women because of how you look or how you feel about how you look. It may be that you do look bad because you don't know any better or because you think it doesn't matter. It may be that you have let yourself go and think it is too late.

But it is only too late if you are dead. You can take steps to look better. The easiest way to feel better about yourself and gain some confidence is to start taking steps to look better fast.

Easy Steps to Look Better Fast

Here are some quick easy steps to look better fast:

1. Get a tight to your head haircut. As men age they tend to let their hair get long and shaggy, especially on the sides. Unless you are actually in a rock band it is difficult for most men to look good with long hair. Unless people, especially women you want to attract make positive comments about your long hair it probably means that you do not look that good.

2. Wear contact lenses instead of glasses most of the time. It is really difficult for men to look good and attract women when they are wearing glasses. You have to do everything else right. That is too hard. It is much simpler to just get contacts.

3. Do not wear black shirts. I cannot understand the fascination with black shirts. No one looks good in a black shirt, men or women.

4. Wear good shoes, throw out your worn out shoes. Not only will you look better but your feet will feel better.

5. Keep your shirt open at the top. The buttoning up of your shirt makes you feel tight and look uptight. Keeping all buttoned up makes men look nerdy.

6. Wear a wide banded watch.

7. Start lifting weights. It will take time to see the results from lifting. But you will not see the results until you start.

8. Stand better. What I mean is that you stand with your legs more open, with one foot forward. You want to be more open, more relaxed. When you have a drink in your hand, stand with your drink at your side, not holding your drink with with two hands. This stance is proven to attract women.

9. Stay more relaxed. Find ways to relax. Sit in the sun a little more. Take naps when you need to. Do more of the things you want to do. Think of now, not the future.

10. Get more sun. Anyone looks better with a little more color.

11. Lean back more when you are sitting. Computers encourage you to hunch forward. You will tend to keep sitting hunched forward even when you do not need to. You will have to concentrate on this.

12. Wear the right sized shirt for your body. Button down shirts should either be sized to tuck into your pants or be outside your pants. You really cannot get by with shirts that work for both. The shirts with a tail long enough to stay tucked in your pants will be too long to be outside your pants. The shirts that are just right for wearing outside your pants will not stay properly tucked in. You need both types.

13. When you are lifting, concentrate on the looks muscles first, arms, forearms and shoulders. If you have time you can do the full body workouts. If you do not have time, just exercise for show.

14. Do abdominal exercises at least 5 times a week. The reason for this is so that you can suck in your gut as needed to attract women or at least not look so sloppy. After years of eating and drinking too much and never exercising their abdominal muscles, men lose the ability to even do the simple thing of sucking in their gut. You keep this ability by doing it nearly every day.

15. If you have some physical ailment or more likely, multiple ailments, take steps to correct them. Tooth problems, knee problem, shoulder problems will all will serve to make you feel bad and look bad. The action of doing something to help yourself will make you feel better about yourself.

16. Grow some facial hair. Men look so much better with some facial hair. At least some sideburns if your type of work requires a clean shaven face. I cannot even stand to look at the men on TV with the clean shaved faces spouting off nonsense about how they want to rule me and know what is best.

17. Buy one or two really good shirts. Learn how to dress better at Brad's Fashion Bible.

18. Throw out anything of yours that make you look bad.

19. Keep your nails and hair trimmed.

20. Assume you will have success with women by acting more confidently by approaching women. You will remember your success, not your failure.

21. Keep reading and learning about how to attract women from different sources like Love Sources. Use these simple tips to help you attract women. These types of things help your confidence because you will be looking your best. Women are attracted to men who are more confident and show their confidence by looking better. It is not about looking better than other guys, obviously, you will start to look better than the men who do not do these things, but it is about just looking better tomorrow than you do today and taking steps to continue that process.

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