Fat Men Can Look Better
Without Losing Weight
Fat men can look better. Start with these tips:
1. Wear contact lenses instead of glasses. No one really looks that good in glasses. I know it seems as if everyone is wearing the fashionable glasses these days. But if you really look at people, they just do not look good. Glasses look terrible on fat men, and big men in general, because your head is large.
2. Get some nicer shirts right away. Men look good in button down shirts that are worn outside your pants. These shirts should come about halfway down your ass. Men always look good in blues and browns.

3. Wear better shoes and especially boots. Skimpy shoes do not look good on fat men.
4. Leather jackets. All people look good in leather. It is expensive to buy good leather jackets, but this is an expense well worth it.
5. Plenty of money in your pocket. You just cannot look good if you open up your wallet and all you have is a few bucks. Nothing looks as good as a wallet with a few hundred dollars in 20's.
6. Better breath.
7. Get a haircut more often. The experts on looking good say every 3 weeks.
8. Trimmed up body hair. This makes a big difference. You do not want to be one of those guys with wispy hair sticking out all over.
9. Trimmed up nails.
10. Open shirts at neck. I cannot hardly stand to button up my top buttons. I am large and lift weights so I have a big neck.
11. Do not wear so much black shirts. Black shirts just do not ever look good on anyone, especially fat men. I take a lot of heat for my stance against black shirts. But the more I see people wearing black shirts, the more I know I am right. Black works good for shoes, pants, jackets, belts, gloves and as an accent color, just not shirts.
The haters will say that fat men need to lose weight first before going after women or doing anything at all. I say, the hell with that. Yes, start working on your weight. Yes, start working on your fitness. Yes, start working on your health. Find a good weight loss program.
But the key to life is that we only have now. You can take the steps I outlined above to look better right now. You do not have to lose weight and get in shape first. You can start to live this instant. Fat men can look better now.
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