Get Organized
And Improve Your Life
I'm not going to bore you with a long story of why you need to get organized to improve your life. You already know the answer. It can. It does. And it will.
The thing I want to stress is that
being organized
is not the end goal, although it is a great feeling. The end goal is more time and having your life together. That is the goal. Having your life together is the way to get there.
Every goal you have, every dream, everything you want to do, everywhere you want to go requires mostly one thing - time.
Time to do what you really want to do is the most valuable resource or commodity on earth. It is the only resource that is finite. Every other thing you need to live is limitless.
Ask someone on their deathbed what they want most - time.
Ask any employee what they want - more time off.
More time, more time, more time.
Ask any coach on the losing side of the game, what they want - more time to try to win the game.
Use being organized to give yourself that time.
Look back on your life and really, truly remember your best moments, those moments are captured in time, and you would love to go back and relive them. You would love to have those moments last longer, to enjoy the experience for a longer time.
Think of your most painful episodes and worst memories. Don't you wish that those moments could have happened faster or not at all?
That is why learning time management techniques, getting rid of clutter, learning to say no, quitting doing things that do not add to your life and being an organized person is so important.
You do not want to spend your precious time doing things you do not want to do.
You do not want to spend excessive time on necessary things when you can find a way to do them faster or less often.
You do not want to look at life as a big block of chores, errands, annoyances and disappointments.
That is no way to live. It is far better to spend the majority of your time here doing what you want.
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