Personal Freedom
For You
Here are ideas to gain your personal freedom:
1) Get better control over your own life. Get organized. Get clutter free. Pay off debt. Pay your bills as soon as they come in. Live in a less expensive way so not all your income is needed to pay living expenses. You want to develop a cushion. Bills are not easier to pay the longer you wait to pay them. By far the easiest method of bill paying is to write out the check, or pay on-line or make a phone check the same day you get the bill. What are you waiting for if you have the money available. If you do not have the money available at that time, you know you are in over your head. That is the test.
2) Make sure whatever personal relationships you have are what you really want. To me, the fewer, the better.
If your marriage is not good, end it now.
It does not get easier if you wait. I was married to a woman who made my life miserable. I had to take care of that first. That was the issue. Everything else is small compared to that. If your marriage is no good, leave. Leave today, right now. The sooner you start paying the price the sooner your life will get better.
3) Get a UPS box that no one knows about except you. This will be your new mailing address. UPS has a street address so mostly everything you do can go to that address. This is the first step. The UPS Store where I did this is in a strip mall with a lot of other stores I can run errands at. This store is in the City where I work, not where I live. It is on the way home from work, so it is not out of the way. The key is to have this mailing address be away from prying eyes in a different city from where you reside. This is a measure of freedom, the fewer people who know where you live the better.
4) Get a new bank account at a different bank from your joint account with your wife. Use your new UPS box as the mailing address. Do not tell her about this obviously.
5) Apply for a credit card using this new address. Do not have any joint accounts.
6) You want this new address to be where you get most of your mail. It is like your business address. Not only do you keep this information away from your wife and others, you in effect give yourself some privacy. Whoever you do business with can use this address to mail you things, ship you things. I find stopping here a few times a week a pleasant diversion. It only takes a few minutes. If you get things shipped to you, you will love this because you do not have to be home to receive it.
7) Keep using this UPS box even after you have established a new residence. It costs me $240 per year, but it provides quit a level of privacy.
8) Keep plenty of cash on hand that no one, except you, knows about. This is still the main personal freedom route.
Waiting for someone else to give you your personal freedom does not work. Most people want you to have no freedom. Who has ever said you should be more free, except me? Certainly not your parents, or your wife, your relatives, your employer, your religion or your government. They all want you to have as little freedom as possible. It is up to you.
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