Men, Do You Want to
Stay Younger?

I know I want to stay younger. The most traumatic birthday I ever had was when I turned 40. I was quite bitter about turning 40. There was so much I wanted to do and didn't. Plus I had not left my wife yet so I was living in misery.

But now that I am almost 47 I have never felt better. I am in better shape physically, how I look, how I feel and especially mentally. I believe that the reason I feel better is that much of what I have been doing is actually doing what young men do. Here are some things any man can do:

Stay Younger Tips

1. Lose the guilt. The people who seem the oldest are the ones who carry around a sense of guilt. A fellow I work with was telling me is going with some of his closet friends to an outdoor music concert this weekend. The concert will be a big party. I could tell he was feeling guilty about going. He even said, here I am nearly 40 years old, married, with 3 kids and I am going to be partying like a college kid. That is my whole point. Why should he feel guilty about having some fun while he can? Why shouldn't he get together with some of his best friends and let loose? He is not going to hurt anyone. I know I seem to feel guilty for trying to have fun.

2. Sleep more. Kids sleep a lot more than adults. That is why they look so much better. You are not going to be able to sleep as much as a child, you have more to do, but you need to sleep more than you do. If you are overweight, this is extremely important. A huge reason you are overweight is that you are tired and eat massively to stay awake.

3. Eat more meat and a lot less carbohydrates. More meat will make you feel and look a lot better. The more carbohydrates you eat the fatter, flabbier and less healthy you will be.

4. Enjoy your drinks. Drinking, whether alcohol or coffee is just fun. There is no denying it. There is no need to feel guilty about it. Drinking something is fun because it just is.

5. Get more sun. A little tan or color of some kind will make you look a lot better. It will especially make you feel a lot better. One of the best ways to feel young is to take a nap in the sun. You are combining sleeping more with sunshine and with the added benefit of additional relaxation. The more youthfulness you gain the more likely it is that you will obtain erections from this. Conversely, the more out of whack you are in being young the less likely you will get an erection from napping in the sun.

6. Wear the right clothes. Younger kids are into looking good with the right clothes. So should you. Just because you are an older man does not mean you should wear whatever.

7. Buy stuff for yourself. This could be clothes or whatever it is that you are interested in. If you feel funny about buying things for yourself from money that YOU earned, then you are feeling guilty for no reason and do have low self esteem.

8. Talk more, be more social. Well adjusted kids will be very social. The more you are unable to be social, the more you need to break out of your shell. This is a huge symptom of low self esteem.

9. Spend time exercising and especially bodybuilding. Lifting weights is something that is good for men of any age.

10. Stay younger by getting the right hairstyle for you. If you are losing hair, get it cut tight to your head. The bushy on the sides or long in the back look is no good. You can also learn methods to regrow your hair. I still miss the long, thick hair I had as a young man.

These things can be done by anyone at any age. You will see that more young people do these things. They do them because they are young. This is part of being young. It is also part of staying young.

In order to stay young you continue to do the things that young people do.

You concentrate on looking good. Looking good really means to look young. You exercise. You eat right. You wear good clothes. You buy stuff that you want. You do not feel guilty about this.

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